...where else could a girl be asked on a daily basis about her bowel movements? On a positive note, we get to listen to the girls twice/day with the fetal monitor. Sometimes they are so active that it's difficult to locate the heartbeats. We have little gymnasts in there. I get an ultrasound at least once/week and the girls are always looking great. I get to order all of my meals off a menu if I don't feel like the regularly scheduled meal. That probably sounds a lot better than it actually is, though. I get my bedding changed as often as I want and there are people here who offer to bathe me every day (though I choose to wait for hubby and have him help me shower). There is probably so much more to brag about, but my mind is drawing a blank.
As of Tuesday, I have been taking Procardia for my contractions. It hasn't been holding me as well as the Indocin or Terbutaline, but so long as I have less than 10 contractions/hour, then we have no need to worry. Mind you, these contractions are really really mild. They don't hurt and I barely notice them anymore since I've been having them for weeks and weeks. Last night, however, I was having about 15 an hour. They are not regular, so they come every 2 to 6 minutes, apparently. And they are still plentiful this morning. So I have no idea what we're doing next, but I'm just hoping I don't have to get back on that nasty Terbutaline.
That's about all the excitement I can muster up today. I'll be 26 weeks on Saturday, so everything continues to move right along...
You're doing great!! What a trooper. Hang in there!! At least you don't have to worry about making it to the hospital in time, eh? :)
I can't imagine being in the hospital for that long, I give you props. It sounds like the hospital is pretty accommodating to you so that is good. Keep up the good work!
Hang in there:) Glad to hear those babies are doing well!! We look forward to your updates:)
Just checking in to see how you are doing:) Hope all is well and we are thinking about you and those little girls!!
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