Thursday, May 14, 2009

No Internet...

We just really haven't had a chance to get our internet up and running at home and so I haven't updated a thing. Technically, we have internet. In order to finalize the set-up, though, I need to call India. I don't like to call India. I'm procrastinating.

Livy is back in the hospital right now, but should be heading home tonight or tomorrow. She had a heart cath yesterday and is recovering nicely. I have tickets for Lauren, Makenna, and I to fly to San Francisco for a family visit next week, but we are awaiting the thumbs up from our doctor prior to adding Olivia to the trip. I'm looking forward to taking them out to Cali, though I'm sure the travel will have its challenges. I am just envisioning myself sitting in a row with three babies at the front of the plane...passenger after passenger walking by in fear of a five hour 3-baby chorus. I'll really be surprised, though, if there are many tears. These three girls just don't fuss much and so I'm hopeful that all will go smoothly.

Big news this week is that Lauren rolled from her back onto her tummy. All three of them abhor Tummy Time, so I have no idea when the rolling from tummy to back will start...or when they will attempt to push up and crawl for that matter.

All three are grabbing at thing, chatting, etc.

Now...lots of pics from the last couple of months....




Makenna & Lauren & Jake

Makenna and Lauren after the zoo

Lauren, Makenna, and Olivia

Makenna, Olivia, and Lauren

Lauren, Makenna, and Olivia






The Russell Family said...

Oh my gosh they just get cuter and cuter! I can't believe you are taking two maybe all three on a plane! And by yourself! I get anxiety about just bringing Noah! Well your going to be so close maybe we would be able to come visit while you are here?

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the post. The pictures of the girls are so precious.

So why did Olivia have to get a heart cath so quickly after surgery? Hope her little heart is doing well.

You are definintly one brave mommy for taking 3 babies on a plane by yourself, but I know you will do amazing!

Can't wait to hear about your Cali trip!

Anonymous said...

Your little girls are just so beautiful! My hats off to you for everything you do x3!!!
